We’re happy to welcome Maria back from Netherlands! Within the MOLESCO Marie Curie ITN, Maria spent 1 month in the group of Prof. Herre van der Zant at TU Delft working on low-temperature characterization of graphene nanojunctions.
Trends in micro nano event in Bienne
On Oct. 25th, the Trend in Micro Nano event organized by the Swiss mnt network took place at the Innocampus in Bienne. Among other speakers reporting about applied research or applications, we reported there on our work with Silicon-based biochemical
Welcome Yves !
We are happy to welcome Yves Mermoud who will join the group on October. 1st. Yves will work on Si nanoribbon transistors for sensing in the framework of the NCCR MSE project.
Congratulations to Jan for the Best Poster award on the SNI Annual event.
In September 2016, SNI members met for their third annual conference in Lenzerheide, where 80 participants were treated to a diverse mixture of lectures and posters to encourage scientific exchange. Jan Oberbeck, an SNI doctoral student from Michel Calame’s group,
Just accepted: paper on single and multi-domain CVD graphene by Kishan Thodkar et al.
We systematically investigate the impact of granularity in CVD graphene films by performing Raman mapping and electrical characterization of single (SD) and multi domain (MD) graphene. In order to elucidate the quality of the graphene film, we study its regional
We will move … !
Michel Calame, staff member at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel, has accepted to lead a laboratory at the Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) with a new focus
We were at the Elecmol-2016
At the 8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics “Elecmol–2016” (August 22−26, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris): Anton gave a talk “Controlled formation of organometallic molecular junctions in liquid environment”; Jan presented a poster “Investigation of Electron Transport in Molecular and
Group excursion at the Tierberglihütte
Last week, we enjoyed a nice mountain tour in the Susten region together with the Nanoelectronics group. Thanks to Clevin & Simon for organizing it!
Welcome Lena!
We are happy to welcome Olena Synhaivska who will join the group on August. 1st. Lena will work on Si nanoribbon transistors for sensing in the framework of an EU project on Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT
Physics in Riehen
Abendliche Tea Party mit Physik beim Spielzeugmuseum in Riehen. Anlässlich der Finissage der Ausstellung „Merk- und merkerwürdig Im Wunderland”, fand am Sonntag 10. July eine grosse Tea-Party im Spielzeumuseum statt. Jüngere und ältere konnten sich da auch von physikalischen Experimenten