Congratulations to Kishan!

His paper, entitled “Restoring the electrical properties of CVD graphene via physisorption of molecular adsorbates”, was just accepted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!

  • strongRestoring the electrical properties of CVD graphene via physisorption of molecular adsorbates /strongbr/ Kishan Thodkar, Damien Thompson, Felix Lüönd, Lucas Moser, Frédéric Overney, Laurent Marot, Christian Schönenberger, Blaise Jeanneret, and Michel Calame. br/ a target=_blank href= emACS Applied Materials & Interfaces/em (ja), null (2017)/a [DOI]
New paper to appear in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces : Restoring the electrical properties of CVD graphene via physisorption of molecular adsorbates