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E-mail: kishan.thodkar(at)

2014 M.Sc., Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden

CVD growth of graphene; Quantum Hall Effect for metrology


  1. strongCharge Noise in Organic Electrochemical Transistors /strongbr/ Ralph L. Stoop, Kishan Thodkar, Michele Sessolo, Henk J. Bolink, Christian Schoenenberger, and Michel Calame. br/ a target=_blank href= emPhys. Rev. Applied/em strong7/strong, 14009 (2017)/a [DOI]
  2. strongRestoring the electrical properties of CVD graphene via physisorption of molecular adsorbates /strongbr/ Kishan Thodkar, Damien Thompson, Felix Lüönd, Lucas Moser, Frédéric Overney, Laurent Marot, Christian Schönenberger, Blaise Jeanneret, and Michel Calame. br/ a target=_blank href= emACS Applied Materials & Interfaces/em (ja), null (2017)/a [DOI]
  3. strongComparative study of single and multi domain CVD graphene using large-area Raman mapping and electrical transport characterization /strongbr/ Kishan Thodkar, Maria El Abbassi, Felix Lüönd, Frédéric Overney, Christian Schoenenberger, Blaise Jeanneret, and Michel Calame. br/ a target=_blank href= emphysica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters/em strong10/strong (11), 807-811 (2016)/a [DOI]
  4. strongCharacterization of HMDS treated CVD Graphene. /strongbr/ K. Thodkar, C. Schoenenberger, M. Calame, F. Luond, F. Overney, and B. Jeanneret. , Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016), July 10-15, 2016, August 2016. [DOI]
  5. strongCVD graphene for electrical quantum metrology. /strongbr/ K. Thodkar, C. Nef, W. Fu, C. Schonenberger, M. Calame, F. Luond, F. Overney, and B. Jeanneret. , Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), August 24-29, 2014, pages 540-541, August 2014. [DOI]